This powerful sheet illustrates Naigeon’s unique approach, distinct from the academic classical style. As a young boy from a modest family, Naigeon’s talent and enthusiastic persistence lead him to enter the free art school of Dijon, where he was trained in drawing and painting by François Devosge.[1] This period of teaching was paramount to the development of Naigeon’s technical and stylistic … Continue reading “Jean Claude Naigeon”
Hermann Wöhler
Hermann Wöhler work is one the best rediscoveries made from the German art of the 1920’s. Die Sonne is part of the virtual series Der Paraklet. Sieben Bilder aus den Tagen des Retters un zum Gedächtnis an den frühe Heimgegangenen [The Paraclete. Seven images from the Days of the Saviours to the memory of the … Continue reading “Hermann Wöhler”