Willème, Auguste François
Luc Olivier Merson
Early on in his artistic training, Merson developed a great taste for colour and mystical compositions. In this case, the subject of his drawing is far from mystical, however. The sheet is focused on the sleeping face of a young adolescent, surrounded by bounteous layers of draped fabric. Hiding part of his face, the folds … Continue reading “Luc Olivier Merson”
Georges Picard
Georges Picard
Anthon van Rappard
Édouard Vuillard
Carlos Schwabe
Jean-François Raffaëlli
Alexander Munro
A rare and unique original plaster cast, served as the preparatory model for the marble medallion depicting Lady Trevelyan still in his original place today, in the central hall of Wallington House. Furthermore, Lady Trevelyan, the woman elegantly portrayed by Munro here, is a key personality of the Pre-Raphaelite circle. She was the wife of … Continue reading “Alexander Munro”
Edvard Munch
FIND US AT STAND 716 MECC MaastrichtForum 1006229 GV MaastrichtThe Netherlands Thur, Mar 5, 2020 : 11AM – 7PM Early Access Day (Invite only) Fri, Mar 6, 2020 : 11AM – 7PM Preview Day (Invite only) Sat, Mar 7 – Sat, Mar 14 2020 : 11AM – 7PM (General Admission) Sun, Mar 15 2020 : … Continue reading “TEFAF MAASTRICHT”
Eric Gillis Fine Art & la Galerie Mercier sont heureux d’annoncer leur exposition commune cette automne réunissant exceptionnellement deux artistes contemporains français Vernissage : jeudi 21 novembre 2019, de 18h à 21h en présence des artistes Exposition du 22/11/19 > 13/12/18 Ouverture exceptionnelle le samedi 23 novembre de 11h à 17h LUNDI AU VENDREDI > … Continue reading “GRÉGOIRE HESPEL & MARTIN BASDEVANT”
Attributed to Cornelis Cort
This fascinating and top-end quality engraving after a composition by Titian is not signed in the plate and so would remain the work of an anonymous engraver. However, given the technically highly distinguished, refined printmaking method, it could be argued to assign the engraving to a Nordic artist in Rome, at the time. The author … Continue reading “Attributed to Cornelis Cort”
Charles-Auguste Edelmann
It is a brilliant example of Charles-Auguste Edelmann’s interest for nudes and eroticism, through classical themes and scenes. Formed at the École des Beaux Arts de Paris in Jean-Léon Gérôme and Ferdinand Humbert’s studios, at the turn of the finishing 19th c., the artist started his career with scenes of misery and poverty. Later, he … Continue reading “Charles-Auguste Edelmann”
Victor Marie Hugo
Edouard Vuillard
« Le frontispice du Concile féerique par Vuillard, avec ses deux amants enlacés au sein d’un réseau d’ondes d’allure Jugendstil, est un sommet de sensualité tristanesque et décadente. Le futur peintre des Jardins publics est alors au faîte de son engagement envers l’idéal et son imaginaire symboliste est en crue. » Such as Guy Cogeval wrote in Vuillard’s catalogue raisonné, this … Continue reading “Edouard Vuillard”
Johann Anton Ramboux
The Double Portrait of the Painter Konrad Eberhard and his Brother Franz is one of the most significant friendships of German Romanticism and Nazarenes. Artistically and technically, Johann Anton Ramboux’s Double Portrait has been described as masterpiece and one of the great accomplishments of the early stage of the lithography. The present sheet is one of … Continue reading “Johann Anton Ramboux”
Arthur Immanuel Loewent(h)al
The present work is a very rare sculpture by the well-known medalist and portraitist Arthur Immanuel Loewenthal, native of Vienna. The bust shows two life-size girls in ivory, for the faces, colored marble for the hair and the shoulders and semi-precious stone for the base. It dates from 1913, when Loewenthal came to Berlin for … Continue reading “Arthur Immanuel Loewent(h)al”
Hendricus Petrus Bremmer
Stunning pointillist still life by the talented and famous Hendricus Bremmer. In 1906 Bremmer wrote Een inleiding tot het zien van beeldende kunst (An Introduction on How to Look at Art). Between 1903 and 1910 he was the editor of monthly portfolios called Moderne Kunstwerken (Modern Works of Art), each containing nine art reproductions with … Continue reading “Hendricus Petrus Bremmer”